About Us
Coco and Raj is a retail store open to the general public, offering a range of designer upholstery fabrics at affordable prices, including small samples, end-of-roll and end-of-season upholstery fabrics from overseas as well as local fabric designer such as Seeger Gallery.
“From a practical and aesthetic point of view, textiles play a vital role in the overall success of a project, whether it’s for your own home or for a creative design project,” says proprietor Bev MacInnes. “However, if they don’t go through an interior designer or upholsterer, it is difficult for the general public to source beautiful or unusual textiles. This is where Coco and Raj comes in.”
Coco and Raj also offers an accessible alternative for stylists, opera and theatre designers and craft or patch workers who only want one or two metres of unusual fabrics and who want them quickly.